Thursday, February 5, 2009

Yo Gabba Gabba

We are totally obsessed. Vote for us at
I cannot believe how this show has consumed our lives. We are so into it, its crazy. I am actually going to get a Yo Gabba Gabba tattoo. It is the raddest idea EVER so I cannot share with anyone until I start it. I am super excited. I cannot wait until Minerva's first birthday. Maddison's birthday is a few days before and Gia's is a few days after so I think we are going to all go in on the decorations together (still have 3 seperate parties, but work together buying and making custom decorations). It is going to be insane. I already have tons of crazy ideas. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Being a mom

Is a wonderful thing. You really have no idea how amazing it is and how complete you feel until you have your own child made with someone you love. It takes a while for the reality of it to kick in though. I didn't actually realize "holy shit we have a baby" until I saw her for the first time. I literally forgot why I was pushing for 1 1/2 hours. At that point I was pushing to make the pain stop and forgot I was pushing to get a baby out! It didn't really hit me that I was a mother until about a month after caring for this little being everyday. Its a strange thing to get used to. Now I could not imagine life without her. I am so glad it was planned and anticipated as much as it was. I know most cases its not and I could not imagine having an experience like that. Now that we have 1 already, whether we plan the 2nd or it just happens doesn't matter but I am glad it was planned with Minerva. So anyway she is 3 months old already! They aren't kidding when they say they grow up fast! She sits really good (with our help of course) and she is putting toys in her mouth and ALMOST rolling over. She gets about 3/4 of the way and flips back. Its really cute. She is ADDICTED to Yo Gabba Gabba and I think Steve and I are also (lol). I didn't realize how demanding of my time a baby would be until I had one! I spend about 80% of my day watching Yo Gabba Gabba. Its insane, but she loves it and the smile on her face makes me melt. But my overall feelings on being a mother are nothing but pure happiness and wholeness. I created part of me and part of the person I love most in the world, and we get to guide her in life and watch her grow up and learn life lessons. Definitely the best thing I have ever done :) And she is MEGA cute!